HAPPY AS LARRY — a new comedy screenplay written by UK-based Hugo Andre — is about a writer in the midst of a funk; a writer’s block of sorts. And as he heads to the Scottish countryside in search for some peace and tranquility, he encounters some interesting characters … and hurdles … along the way.
A story about love, life, the importance of friendships and relationships, HAPPY AS LARRY’s screenplay has been submitted to festivals across the globe. And, thus far, the project has been resonating with judges and juries. Hugo’s recent wins, include:
•Official Selection – Oxford Script Awards;
•Best Screenplay (3rd place) – Feel the Reel International Film Festival;
•Best Screenplay (2nd place) – TMFF – The Monthly Film Festival; and
•WINNER ~ Best Comedy Screenplay – Best Script Awards
Stay tuned for additional announcements about this truly special work. (There’s more to come!)
To view some of Lucas's other projects, click here: https://linktr.ee/lucasaferrara
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