Founded by Allen Tsai about seven years ago, OMELETO is a YouTube channel which features some of the “world’s best short films.” And with over 3.5 million subscribers, it’s most certainly an honor for indie filmmakers to be featured on the platform.
Kevin Keck, the writer and director of MANUFACTURED LUCK, recently announced, “What started out as a love letter to grandparents and Appalachia has found its way to a whole new audience …. Join us in welcoming the short to Omeleto!”
In this film, we follow “two introverts from vastly different generations trying to bond.” It’s an inspirational message about love and family.
You can now watch the entire film, for FREE, by using this link: https://youtu.be/vpjwx_3j66c
Our thanks to Mr. Tsai, and the entire Omeleto team, for the selection. And a special shout-out to our cast and crew for their respective contributions to this amazing work:
@peteman.7 - Jim, Peter Aylward
Ash, Azra Basile
@ameliabartlett - Lilly, Amelia Bartlett (Best Supporting Actress, Cobb International Film Fest)
@b_evans24 - Producer, Brandon Evans
@tyleroxendine - Producer, Tyler Oxendine
@kevinckeck - Director, Kevin Keck
@_adamchapman - Director of Photography, Adam Chapman
@carrieferrelli - Production Design, Carrie Ferrelli
chelseyspaige - Costume Design, Chelsey Paige
@thatvintagedarling - Editor, Breeana Kovelman
@yeemeister, @truepeaksound - Sound Design, Shaun Yee and True Peak Soundworks
@robertmai107 - Composer, Robert Mai
@drnewport - 1st Ass’t Director, Hampton Newport
There’s no manufacturing our gratitude and joy.
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To view a list of some of Lucas's other projects, click here: https://www.imdb.com/name/nm11739610/.
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@manufacturedluck @omeleto @imallentsai
#lucasaferrara #luck #lottery #lotteries #fate #destiny #odds #shortfilm #love #shortfilms #film #films #indiefilm #indiefilms #granddad #grandfather #grandkids #director #filmmaker #filmmakers #filmmaking #lottery #sweepstakes #contest #contests #raffle #family #appalachia #appalachianregion #omeleto