BLIND INNOCENCE, written and directed by HUGO ANDRE, is the story of a father and daughter who reside in an isolated 1800s countryside cottage. We follow their humble existence, as they live life without any of the modern conveniences we currently enjoy.
Over time, the youngster questions her father’s daily outings, and his disappearances spark a curiosity, as she’s never been allowed to travel beyond the property’s perimeters. But as the film progresses, we uncover the deep, dark, secret underlying their seclusion.
Since its 2021 release, the project has received outstanding reviews, and an array of accolades, including:
Best Film, Best Director, London International Film Festival (2022)
Grand Jury Award, Oniros New York Movie Awards (2021)
Best Short Film, Best Original Screenplay, Best Color Grading, Best Hair & Makeup, Best Set Design, White Deer International Film Festival (2021)
Best Film, Best Director, CKF International Film Festival (2021)
Honorable Mention, New York Movie Awards (2021)
Finalist - Best Original Screenplay, Golden Short Film Festival (2021)
You can now view this compelling work, for FREE, by clicking here: PLEX TV or TUBI TV
Our success wouldn’t have been possible without the selfless dedication of our multi-talented cast and crew:
Lucy Murray-Watson @lucymurraywatson
Stuart Wolfe-Murray @boywolfemurray
Written, directed & edited by: Hugo André @hugoandre_media
EP: Lucas A Ferrara @lucasaferrara
AP: Will Masheter @will_and_film
Prod manager: Adele Marie @adelemarieheenan
DOP: Dylan Vivian @dylan.bijou
1AC: Flo Goodlad-Skinner @flo_sknr
Sound Op & Design: Atom Inions @atom3eq
Music: Audio Networks
Don’t be senseless. Give BLIND INNOCENCE a look: PLEX TV or TUBI TV (WATCH FOR FREE)
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