In AFTER LAUGHTER — a stirring new film co-written and co-directed by Adrian Burks [@adrian_burks] and Theodore Wright IV [@_twiv], and made in association with yours truly — we witness the struggles of two young boys, Malik and Jamal, as they deal not only with a dysfunctional family dynamic, but the injustices pervasive throughout the 60’s, 70’s and 80’s, here in the United States. Will these young men persevere, or will they become victims of the harsh reality in which they live?
Unfortunately, I can’t share any additional details with you. (You’ll have to wait until the film screens at a festival near you.) But in the interim, my friends at Happy Wanderer Productions have just announced some great news.
Arrow International Film Festival — @arrow_festival — recently awarded the project, Best Director, Best Cinematography, and Best LGBTQ+ film. And, for that, we are most grateful. (Special thanks to the cast and crew for making this trifecta possible. Their IG Tags follow.)
Until we get to your town, are you ready for a sneak peek into a world “After Laughter?” Check out the accompanying clip.
There can be no silence in the face of hate and intolerance ….
To view a list of Lucas's other projects, click here: https://www.imdb.com/name/nm11739610/
@afterlaughter_film @octoman @sacaiahshaw @b.j.minor @daniela_133 @chenelawson @sacred.existence @_meeshel_ @alexandra.guerineaud @cbburks11 @oops2late @moore.puns.needed
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