After our server repeatedly assured us their steaks were just as good as their sister restaurant’s, a guest wanted to give a meat dish a try. Inexplicably, after a pretty bizarre “presentation of the meats,” (shown here), they went with the DELMONICO — [14 oz; 396.89 g; ($59.99)] — which was described as imparting a “fabulous, incredible flavor.”
First served around 1850, at the NYC steakhouse of the same name, [pictured above], there is disagreement as to what a Delmonico steak consists of — whether it should be boneless or bone-in. And there's even less of a consensus as to which cut of beef should be used. (At the “real” Delmonico’s it’s a “boneless ribeye.”)
Wherever you happen to stand (or sit) on this issue, I’m sure you’ll agree that the meat should be succulent. And, at $60 (BEFORE tax and tip) this thing needs to be freaking AMAZING. (Alas, it wasn’t.)
While slightly fatty, we thought (overall) it was “OK, not great.” Same with the fries. A guest commented “they were nothing special.” As a result, this dish ultimately landed a “C+” — mainly because it wasn’t as as juicy as we would have preferred. Not only was the price point excessive, but we thought the presentation was uninspired – (dumping the fries onto the plate showed no imagination, whatsoever) -- so that also ultimately impacted the score.
While it wasn’t a total bomb, we think there are certainly better uses for your cash (some $75 (approx.) after you factor in tax and tip).
Yes, I guess you could say … we had a big beef with that.
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