In a new film entitled “Doubts and Fantasies,” the creators sought to capture the “intense highs and lows that come from living in London, one of the most vibrant and challenging cities in the world.”
Only six characters are featured; and we see just two per scene. We watch as they each navigate through their respective "ups and downs ... their doubts and fantasies."
Written by Shwan Ziad, and directed by Guy Taylor, this intense drama stars (in alphabetical order): Harry Burton, Paul Coster, Lucy Nicholson, Sanjana Puri, Lynne Anne Rodgers, and Will Stevens.
While it is presently competing in festivals around the globe (and it is not currently available for pubic screening), Guy and the team have graciously prepared a sneak preview for me to share with you.
In the interim, my thanks to the cast and crew, who I have listed below, for their respective contributions to this truly compelling endeavor.
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William - @harry_matt_burton
Max - @will__stevens__
Asha - Sanjana Puri
Lara - @lynneannerodgers
Roy - @paulcoster94
Isabel - @_lucynic
DoP - @arkadiaphotographyofficial
Cam Op - @myles_wilkinson
1st AC - Fabio Gargotta
Hair & Makeup - @hanniwellianfx
Production Designer - @mansouri_designs
Sound - @aaroniankenrod
1st AD @eajmiles
Associate Producers - @sean_murrough @ellenbrookewilliams
BTS - @connordiffley & @aaronwahab
Colour - @finlayreid_colour
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To view a list of some of Lucas's other projects, visit his IMDb page.