If you’re in search for something spooky, look no more. It’s right in front of you.
Actually, to be more precise, it’s right inside of you!
It was Ingeborg Bachmann, an Austrian poet and writer, who famously observed, “I am … not here to teach you about it, lecture you, shock you, for the horror is in you ….”
And that’s the angle award-winning filmmaker and screenwriter, Blake Ridder, tackles in his latest film, THE MANOR.
In it, an American film crew – played by Kim Lysette Spearman (@kimilysette), Sarah Alexandra Marks (@sarahamarks), Rui Shang (@official_ruishang), and Louis James (@louisjames24) -- arrives at a Victorian manor house in the English countryside, only to find themselves stuck in some sort of time loop ... with different iterations of themselves. Will they somehow manage to escape, or will they be entrapped forever?
To view a “proof of concept” – a free, 13-minute preview of the film -- visit Blake’s YouTube channel at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LAWGvVAnpKE
If you like what you see, and would like to help get a feature-length version of the film made, you can find additional information on the project’s crowdfunding page -- where in exchange for your financial support you can have your name/likeness used in the film, take a live, in-person tour of the manor (COVID protocols permitting), grab a speaking role in the film, get your product placed in the body of the movie, and score a special acknowledgement in the end credits (and on IMDb). To learn more, visit: https://igg.me/at/manor/x#/
Take shelter from the unknown. Find refuge in The Manor. (NOT!)
To check out some of Lucas's other projects, please visit: https://www.imdb.me/lucasaferrara