Like weddings?
Well, those joyful events are often characterized as “extremely stressful” by the couples engaged in their planning.
According to one study, some 55% of the those surveyed noted that immediate family members, like a mother or a father, were the source of the aggravation, while 33% pointed to one or both of the in-laws.
Almost 90% of the individuals interviewed also experienced physical and psychological issues -- like eating disorders, breakouts, hair loss, headaches, and a reduced sex drive.
Given that tension and anxiety, I found Jenn Marinello’s new film, “ALTERED,” riveting. In it, just as our young bride is about to walk down the aisle, she suddenly hits an emotional “breaking point,” and is forced to make a decision that will alter her life’s course. Which path will she choose?
You can choose to help make this film come to fruition by supporting the project’s crowdfunding campaign, where in exchange for a contribution you’ll score a social-media shoutout, a digital or Blu-Ra copy of the film, access to behind-the-scenes footage, a signed poster, t-shirt, a “secret perk,” to special acknowledgements in the end credits.
To learn more, please visit: https://igg.me/at/Altered-Short-Film/x#/
Don’t leave these kids at the altar.
Vow to help “ALTERED,” today.