Think you’re “fat,” or “ugly?”
You may be suffering from dysmorphia – a body image disorder which causes people to obsess about perceived physical “flaws.” And, according to the Anxiety & Depression Association of America, you’re not alone -- about 1 in 50 people, experience some form of this preoccupation. (That’s about 10 million people in the United States, alone.)
So, when I heard about HUGE, a new film about the affliction written by Paloma Nozicka, and directed by Danny Farber, I immediately signed on. When asked what inspired them to make the movie, Danny noted, “We want to highlight how relatable this issue is for those that have been affected. And we're hoping to give our audience a scare and a laugh in the process.”
With the film currently competing in festivals across the globe, and garnering considerable accolades, Paloma and Danny have clearly succeeded.
Don’t believe me? Check out their recently released trailer.
It’s BIG … I mean, HUGE!
Kudos to the entire team:
Director: @sirdannyfarber
Screenplay: @palomiiiiiiita
Executive Producers:
Lori Singleton
Kelley Daniel
Line Producer:
Edited by:
Production Coordinator:
1st AD: JD Banks
DP: @gelareh.s.siavash
1st AC: @camerakristi
2nd AC: @jackie.undertheinfluence
Stedi Cam Op: @camp_dad__
Rickshaw Op: @steadijun
DIT: @jordanblazak
Colorist: @borna_jafari
Production Design:
Costume Design:
Gaffer: @samirgolshan
Key Grip: @natecuboi
Swing: @micahgoldfarb
Hair and Make Up Artist:
Production Sound: @spagettit
Post Sound: Cavebat Audio
Production Support:
#huge #hugeshortfilm #bodydysmorphia #dysmorphia #sirdannyfarber #palomanozicka #weight #weightdisorders #movie #movies #film #films #indiefilm #indiefilms #short #shorts #independentfilm #crowdfunding #independentfilms #blackswan #blackmirror #moviecrowdfunding #moviemakers #moviemagic
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