Despite reports that construction workers would be able to distance themselves from each other and work safely during the COVID-19 pandemic, the New York Daily News recently released photos that suggest otherwise.
“Workers, some not even wearing masks, are seen in elevators packed tighter than a pre-COVID-19 subway car,” reads the Daily News. “Most are wearing hoodies or hardhats, which do nothing to protect them from contracting the stubborn virus.”
Worried about contracting the virus, some workers took to social media to express their concerns, by way of the hashtag #constructionworkers. All workers were deemed “essential” by the government and there were widespread reports of unsafe conditions – like,no soap or hand sanitizers for them to use.
“You can’t even get away with wearing your hardhat backwards on site without health and safety jumping on your back,” wrote one worker on Twitter. “Yet you’re letting thousands of people go to packed building sites each day spreading a deadly virus. They’re turning a blind eye on the industry.”
As a result of the hysteria, Mayor Bill de Blasio deemed certain workers as "nonessential" on Friday and they must remain home until further notice.
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To read the full story in the Daily News, click here: https://www.nydailynews.com/new-york/ny-builders-construction-coronavirus-20200326-tm6ert6jkzh2pjywdplfe7ia3a-story.html