When in Tokyo, what do some of the crazier tourists do? They spend their time searching for the best Neapolitan-style pizza pies.
Some locals suggested that we stop into “Pizza Strada” — located at 3-6-2 Azabujuban, Minato-ku, Tokyo. (A short walk from where we were staying.)
According to its website, “Pizza Strada is an oasis where people can meet and eat simply good pizza, regardless of age or nationality. Facing you is the stage where the pizzaiolo performs. Colorful fresh ingredients, the sound of popping woodchips, the smell of the wood oven… when you have a fresh hot slice of pizza, you can't help smiling. As with a sushi counter, you will enjoy the experience with all five senses.”
We thought we’d begin with something basic, and requested a “Margherita” マルゲリータ” — tomato sauce, mozzarella, basil トマトソース・モッツァレラ・バジル” (1650 yen; $15.50 approx).
As we looked around the room, and took a gander at what others were eating, our senses were telling us this wasn’t going to be a great pie ... and we ended up being right (unfortunately).
While the crust was thin, it was chewy (like cardboard) and the cheese had a rubbery consistency, which we didn’t enjoy. The tomato sauce should have been sweet and tangy, was surprisingly bland, and direly needed a spicy kick from something — like red pepper flakes, oregano, something. And the “olive oil” did nothing for us (or the pie).
Because most of us were unimpressed with this poor rendition of a classic, it rated a lowly “C-.”
Follow Lucas on Instagram: @lucasaferarra