Cannabis on the Horizon: Cannabis Legalization in New York City
Thursday, November 1, 2018 | 6:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.
Program Fee: Free for Members | $15 for Non-Members
Re-legalization of cannabis for general adult use in New York City has never been closer, but how ready is the most populous metropolitan area in the United States - and the country’s largest urban cannabis market for commercial manufacture, delivery, home cultivation and over-the-counter sale of cannabis? Join the Committee on Drugs and the Law for an examination of the legal and policy changes that will be necessary in order to make a safe and orderly transition from a criminal market to a viable regulated market.
Axel Bernabe, Assistant Counsel, Governor Cuomo for Health
Steven Epstein, Founding Partner, Barket, Epstein, and Kearon LLP
Jerome Levy, Partner, Duane Morris
Joseph Levey, Founding Partner, Helbraun & Levey
Donovan Richards, New York City Council Member
Preston Niblack, New York City Deputy Comptroller for Budget
Kristin Jordan, Chair, Cannabis Practice Group, Newman Ferrara LLP
Sponsoring Association Committee:
Drugs & the Law Committee, Luke Schram, Chair
Co-Sponsoring Association Committees:
Hospitality Law Committee, David Helbraun, Chair
New York City Affairs Committee, John Owens, Chair
Related Resource: If you're interested in this program, you may be interested in this City Bar resource:
Thursday, November 1, 2018 | 6:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.
Program Fee: Free for Members | $15 for Non-Members
Re-legalization of cannabis for general adult use in New York City has never been closer, but how ready is the most populous metropolitan area in the United States - and the country’s largest urban cannabis market for commercial manufacture, delivery, home cultivation and over-the-counter sale of cannabis? Join the Committee on Drugs and the Law for an examination of the legal and policy changes that will be necessary in order to make a safe and orderly transition from a criminal market to a viable regulated market.
Axel Bernabe, Assistant Counsel, Governor Cuomo for Health
Steven Epstein, Founding Partner, Barket, Epstein, and Kearon LLP
Jerome Levy, Partner, Duane Morris
Joseph Levey, Founding Partner, Helbraun & Levey
Donovan Richards, New York City Council Member
Preston Niblack, New York City Deputy Comptroller for Budget
Kristin Jordan, Chair, Cannabis Practice Group, Newman Ferrara LLP
Sponsoring Association Committee:
Drugs & the Law Committee, Luke Schram, Chair
Co-Sponsoring Association Committees:
Hospitality Law Committee, David Helbraun, Chair
New York City Affairs Committee, John Owens, Chair
Related Resource: If you're interested in this program, you may be interested in this City Bar resource:
Support Marijuana Legalization (Marihuana Regulation & Taxation Act)
New York City Bar Association 42 West 44th St New York, NY 10036