The Double Cola Company Recalls Select Cases of Its Cherry Ski Product
Approximately 200 cases of Cherry SKI have been recalled.
The Double Cola Company is recalling approximately 200 cases of its Cherry SKI product because they are incorrectly labeled. Only the Cherry SKI products with the new design are being recalled, which were delivered to the southern Illinois, Evansville, IN and Winchester, OH markets. No other products of the Double Cola Company are being recalled.
The newly designed cans of Cherry SKI are being recalled because the nutrition facts are incorrect. The cans show "Red #4" under ingredients, which is incorrect. The ingredients should include "Red #40" and "Yellow #5." These dyes may cause a reaction to anyone allergic. The Double Cola Company has reported that no medical illnesses or harmful effects have resulted from this product thus far. Products affected are coded A8023EV10:25 through A8023EV11:40.
"We took immediate action once we were aware of the situation and recalled the product," said Gina Dhanani, Vice President of SKI. "The most important thing to us is that our consumers are safe."
Consumers who have purchased this product should not open the package or consume the product. Instead they should return the product to the location of purchase for a refund, or call the Double Cola Company at 423-267-5691 or 877-DBL-Cola.
The Double Cola Company is headquartered in Chattanooga, Tenn., and works
with a dedicated network of authorized bottlers and distributors to deliver
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