I wanted to let you know that I'll no longer be accepting contributions from corporate PACs, and I wanted to share why.
In the last few months, Republicans passed a $1.5 trillion tax cut that mostly benefits the wealthiest Americans and the biggest, richest corporations. They did it, by their own admission, to give back to the donors who fill their campaign coffers.
This is the corrosive effect of money in politics, brought into the open. The GOP Congress has been bought off, and now they've delivered a return on their donors' investment.
As a result of this soft corruption, working families suffer. Republicans are following up on their tax scheme by proposing deep cuts to Social Security Disability Insurance, Medicare, Medicaid and nutrition assistance. My colleagues and I will fight this awful, cruel budget proposal, but there's a fundamental injustice in giving to those who have the most and taking from those who've earned benefits and need help.
We have to get dark money out of politics, and I'm taking a step in that direction by refusing corporate PAC contributions. But I'm going to need you with me. I'm running for reelection this year, and I'm going to need grassroots support to keep our fight going strong. Can you give, even $5, before midnight to show you're all in on this grassroots team and help fight for your voices – and against corporate special interests?
Donate now using this link: https://secure.actblue.com/contribute/page/kg
Since I was first elected to office, I've taken steps to increase transparency and accountability in politics. I was the first-ever member of Congress to post an online list of my official meetings, earmark requests and personal finance disclosures. I've released years of my personal tax returns, and I fought to pass the STOCK Act to ban members of Congress from insider trading.
These are fights we have to continue to take on. Since the Supreme Court's disastrous ruling in Citizens United, we've operated in a system that allows billionaires to try to anonymously buy elections. It's a system designed to try to silence your voice. That's on full display with policies like the tax bill.
The wealthiest Americans are dictating policy through their political donations.
It's a system I don't accept, and it's one I will fight. I need you to be with me. If we're going to compete with the big money that floods into these races, we have to do it together – and I need you to give as much as you can. We can change this by each of us doing what we can, giving what we can and refusing to accept this broken system.
Thank you for being by my side. I'm grateful for your support in fighting for what we believe.