1250 Broadway, 27th Floor New York, NY 10001


Lucas –

We're running out of time to keep our internet free and open, and I urgently need you to use your voice.

Ever since the FCC voted to end net neutrality, activists like you have been speaking out to save the internet as we know it. Thanks to your tireless efforts, we're just a single vote away from reversing the FCC's misguided decision in the Senate – but we still need one more senator to stand with us to move this measure forward.

I'm counting on you to join me in one final push. Please add your name today to urge the Senate to save net neutrality!

Click here to help put the pressure on the Senate to save net neutrality.

This isn't just about how fast your favorite website loads. It's about stopping powerful corporations from controlling what we see and do online. Our freedom of speech is at risk, and it's up to all of us to defend it.

Your voice has already made such a difference in this fight. Our bipartisan measure to save net neutrality has momentum behind it – but the only way we can secure the last vote is by raising our voices together to demand action.

Time is running out, so I need you to do your part now. Sign the petition and tell the Senate to save net neutrality!

Add your name to demand the Senate save net neutrality.

Thank you for speaking out.

Kirsten [Gillibrand]
