1250 Broadway, 27th Floor New York, NY 10001


Lucas –

"Nail-biting." "Manophobic." "Career obsessed banshees."

Those are the reprehensible words that one Republican running to unseat my friend Claire McCaskill used to describe women who stand up for our rights.

We should be mad. We should fight back. We should let this fuel our fire to keep fighting – because for women, progress will never, ever come easy.

Claire has fought and fought. It's what she does, and it's who she is. Facing dirty attacks like this, she's going to need us by her side in her fight for reelection. The best way to do that is to give as much as you can to her reelection campaign. Will you donate $5 or more right now?

If you've saved payment info with ActBlue Express, your donation will automatically be evenly split between Kirsten Gillibrand and Claire McCaskill:

Click to donate $5.

Click to donate $25.

Click to donate $50.

Or click here to donate another amount.

I know Claire has what it takes to win a tight race, and I rely on her voice in the Senate. But it's up to us to come alongside her and send a message: We will stick together, fight back and overcome these attacks.

We need you in this moment. Right now, give $5 or more – every dollar you can spare – to help keep Claire fighting in the Senate against President Trump's agenda!

Click here to give $5 or more to help Claire win in Missouri and keep fighting in the Senate.

Thank you,

Kirsten [Gillibrand]
