1250 Broadway, 27th Floor New York, NY 10001


Lucas –

We need to talk about how this White House treats women. Because in its policies and actions, the Trump administration has made it clear: It does not value women.

We've been disturbed and enraged by its constant attacks on women's rights, from rolling back an Obama-era rule to help close the wage gap to limiting access to reproductive health care. It attacks women's rights, autonomy and well-being.

President Trump and the GOP have time and again looked the other way on reports of men abusing power to demean, belittle and harm women.

The only way we can stop President Trump's anti-women agenda is by all of us coming together, showing our strength and speaking out right now. Will you add your name to demand this White House take responsibility for its actions toward women?

Click here to tell President Trump and his administration: I will not tolerate your attacks on women's rights.


Team KG
