I don't want the NRA's money. I earned my "F" rating, and I intend to keep it.
There is a gun violence epidemic in this country, and we need to stand up to the NRA and immediately pass meaningful gun reform laws. We need universal background checks and to make assault weapons and high-capacity magazines illegal.
The only way we'll get anything passed is if Democrats take back the House. But The Washington Post says our race here in Florida is Democrats' BEST chance in the entire country to flip a seat – and with days until our deadline, we're still incredibly short of our goal. That's why a group of donors just offered to DOUBLE all gifts to help us win and take back the House!
I'm counting on grassroots donors like you to give right now – and get every dollar DOUBLED – if we're going to start 2018 with the resources we need to flip this seat and take back the House:
Thank you for being on this journey with me,
Candidate for Congress, FL-2