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America’s student debt crisis is getting a ton of attention these days -- as it should.

In recent decades, university tuition has increased at a rate far outpacing wage growth, and left an entire generation of graduates buried under student loan debt. This closes doors when students decide where to attend school, affects the careers they choose to pursue, and shortens the list of places they can raise their families. This system is severely restrictive, and simply unsustainable.

This important discussion is largely focused on four-year universities -- but they are only part of the story. Far too little attention is paid to technical and vocational schools. These programs are more flexible and affordable than a four-year degree, and give students all the skills and hands-on experience they need to jump into careers with companies that are ready and eager to hire.

We need to make technical and vocational schools a bigger part of the conversation about higher education in America. Will you join the call? >>


Technical and vocational programs provide faster, more affordable routes to careers in fields that can never be outsourced or automated. Program graduates can begin earning a salary quickly, and return to school for advanced training and certification programs to continue advancing in their field. These are excellent options that too few graduating high school students are aware of.

I enrolled in technical courses myself -- and I credit that decision with launching my career as an entrepreneur in the technology industry. I’m calling on you to join me in advocating for these important programs, by voicing your support.

Add your name to support vocational schools in our conversations on higher education >>


Thank you for joining us.

Brian Forde
