Lucas, want a sense of just how big the blue wave could be this year? Democrats
need to flip 24 seats to take back the House. As of today, they're
targeting an almost-unbelievable
101 Republican-held seats.
Democrats don't need our help winning the top tier races. Candidates
in those races will have the resources they need, and outside groups backing them up.
Daily Kos' role this year is to build the blue wave. We're focusing
on races just beyond the top tier—races in districts that wouldn't
normally be competitive and that few people are paying attention to right
now, but where a good candidate with enough resources could score a surprise
win in a wave election.
Can you chip in $5 to help Daily Kos build the blue wave?
Daily Kos is the largest liberal news outlet in the country. We have a
deep reach into the progressive base of the Democratic Party, and we can
use it to organize our readers and plug them into endorsed Democratic
campaigns to build the wave.
In 2016, we recruited 40,407 volunteers across the country in support
of our endorsed candidates. They made hundreds of thousands of texts and
phone calls to help Get Out The Vote on Election Day. And while it's
true that we came up short in 2016, that doesn't mean we should give
up—it means we should work harder.
That's why we're expanding the Daily Kos activism and editorial
teams this year, bringing on six to eight new staff to help us dismantle
Trump's fake news and connect our readers with the Democratic campaigns
that most need their help. And not just congressional campaigns, but campaigns
for governor, state legislature, state attorney general and secretary
of state. Many of these races are overlooked in midterm election years,
but they're crucially important as they control redistricting processes
and voting rights in most states.
So please, if you haven't already, chip in $5 to Daily Kos now.
Keep fighting,
Michael Langenmayr, Daily Kos