Lucas, Republicans are already preparing to make their disgraceful tax
scam a central issue in 2018 midterm elections. Since they are
horrible at governance, the bill is their signature legislative accomplishment.
They mean to defend it full force in hopes of maintaining power.
But thanks to our incredible opposition, they have an uphill battle ahead
of them. And we're not done fighting to make sure that their vote
becomes toxic and this amoral bill is repealed.
Daily Kos and a large coalition are already gearing up to repeal this shameful
piece of legislation. Click here if you're ready to join the battle
and get informed about accountability events happening near you.
The tax scam is incredibly
unpopular, as the public rightfully views it as a tax increase on themselves to
pay for massive tax breaks on the rich and powerful. Paul Ryan and Mitch
McConnell are banking on voters forgetting all about this a year from now.
We won't let anyone forget that Republicans abandoned their constituents
in order to line the pockets of Trump, his family, his millionaire and
billionaire friends and Republican donors. In 2018, we're fighting back.
Add your name: Repeal the Trump Tax Scam!
Keep fighting,
Monique Teal, Daily Kos