Lucas, sign the petition: Demand that Congress pass the Voting Rights Advancement Act.
In 2013, with a right-wing majority the Supreme Court gutted the Voting
Rights Act (VRA), the 1965 bill that protected communities of color against
racist voter suppression.
Since then Republicans have had a field day eroding voting rights with
voter ID laws, gerrymandered districts,
huge purges from voter registration rolls, closing polling locations--all of which
disproportionately suppress black and brown votes. Trump created a bogus
voter fraud commission to advance the lie that rampant voter fraud--repeatedly proven to be nothing
more a right-wing myth--threatens our elections.
We sit at a crucial moment in history. Trump is attacking modern civil
rights and dragging us closer each day to fascist rule. We cannot put
up our best fight if Republicans continue to disenfranchise the people
most harmed by Trump's agenda.
Click to AUTOMATICALLY sign the petition: Demand that Congress pass the
Voting Rights Advancement Act.
AUTOMATICALLY sign the petition
Before the 2013 Supreme Court decision to gut the VRA, the DOJ could block
changes to election law in states with histories of voter suppression
before they went into effect. Now, voter suppression rules can only be
challenged after the fact, when people of color have already been blocked
from the polls.
The VRAA would establish the strongest voting rights laws ever passed by Congress. Not only would it require states with a recent history of voting discrimination
to have any changes to voting laws approved by the DOJ, but it would also
give the attorney general the authority to send federal election observers
to monitor elections where there’s a risk of voting discrimination.
We need Congress to pass the Voting Rights Advancement Act, but it won't
happen without a massive push from the left. It won't happen unless
we fight hard and don't give up until Congress gives in to our pressure.
We need you to join that fight.
Click to AUTOMATICALLY sign the petition: Demand that Congress pass the
Voting Rights Advancement Act.
AUTOMATICALLY sign the petition
Keep fighting,
Irna Landrum, Daily Kos