It is with great sadness to learn that our colleague, Joe Pino, has passed away at the age of 67. A stalwart of the NYC multifamily housing management community, Joe was:
- A Past President of the New York Building Managers' Association
- On the Board of the Hibernia Provident Society
- On the Executive Council of the Scandinavian-American Building Manager's Guild and, a member of the:
- Manhattan Building Manager's Club
- Metropolitan Building Manager's of NY
- New York Association of Realty Managers
Joe was instrumental in creating the New York Building Managers' Foundation and has been managing it to date from its inception. Over the years Joe has dedicated a tremendous amount of time, to all of our organizations.
He was a Property Manager for American Invesco Corporation (Plaza 400 & The Continental) - a Resident Manager at 1050 Park Ave., at The Newport East, and 55 East End Ave. (up until his retirement due to his medical situation).
Joe was much admired as a Deacon at St. Jean Baptiste R.C. Church in Manhattan and Visitation R.C. Church in the Bronx. Joe is survived by his wife Cristina, children Mabel, Robert, and Vivian and several grandchildren.
Funeral arrangements:
WAKE: Sun, Feb 4th from 4-9:00 PM
Ortiz RG Funeral Home
141 East 103rd St (bet Lex & Park) NYC 10029 (212)-876-1913
FUNERAL MASS: Mon, Feb 5th at 9:00 AM
St. Cecilia's R.C. Church
120 East 106th St (bet Lex & Park) NYC 10029 (212)-534-1350
CREMATION: Mon, Feb 5th (following Funeral Mass) Woodlawn Cemetary
Joe will be missed by all of us. May he rest in peace.
Our heartfelt condolences to his entire family.