Registration Now Open for EEOC’s Excel Training Conference
.The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) announced that it is hosting the 21st annual Examining Conflicts in Employment Laws (EXCEL) training conference on July 10-12, 2018 at the Washington Hilton in Washington, D.C. This annual event is targeted to alternative dispute resolution (ADR) specialists, attorneys, EEO professionals, HR managers and supervisors at private employers, state and local government employers and federal agencies.
Attendees can expect cutting-edge workshops presented by top EEO experts on ADR, barrier analysis, diversity, harassment, hiring tips, medical marijuana as it pertains to the ADA, reasonable accommodation, settlement strategies, and sex discrimination. Lenora Billing-Harris, a world-recognized authority in diversity and inclusion, will be the keynote speaker at EXCEL on July 11, 2018. Billing-Harris has been recognized by Diversity Magazine as one of the top 20 influential diversity leaders in the United States, and has been named as one of the "100 Global Thought Leaders on Diversity and Inclusion" by the Society of Human Resources Management (SHRM). The conference will also include networking opportunities with leading EEO professionals.
Conference details including agendas, pricing and online registration are available at EXCEL 2018. Registration information may also be obtained by phone at 866-446-0940 or email at eeoc.traininginstitute@eeoc.gov.