In the age of Trump, we continue fighting tooth and nail to defend the progress we’ve made under President Obama. Add your name and pledge to continue defending equality and women’s rights >>
This past year, Republicans and the Trump Administration have tried to defund Planned Parenthood, roll back Title IX protections, and hampered women’s ability to access birth control.
And each time, we’ve stood against them. We've organized to protect our rights. The world watched as hundreds of thousands of women marched in hundreds of cities during the Women’s March.
Even though our rights are being threatened, we must never give up. Our work is paying off. We must stand strong and continue to fight against President Trump and Republicans in Washington.
It's the only way to ensure that one day, equal work will merit equal pay; that women are allowed to make their own medical decisions regardless of who sits in the White House, and that every little girl knows that she can break the highest glass ceiling.
Stand with me for equality and women’s rights >>
We can’t let up,