1250 Broadway, 27th Floor New York, NY 10001


Trump and his EPA chief Scott Pruitt are trying to give Big Polluters a free pass to dump in our drinking water. Sign NOW and say NO WAY!


Lucas, Donald Trump and his EPA chief Scott Pruitt are trying to give Big Polluters a free pass to dump their waste into streams and wetlands that provide drinking water for one in three people. RIDICULOUS.

Our sources tell us this is Trump and Pruitt's first step in rolling back the Clean Water Act. They're trying to slide this decision under the radar — and with all the craziness happening in D.C. right now, they might just get away with it. That's where you come in.

We need to unite against this terrible polluter handout and LOUDLY tell Trump and Pruitt: all people deserve clean drinking water! We're trying to gather 50,000 petitions by Monday. Join the League of Conservation Voters (LCV) today!

Polluting Pruitt is thrilled to give his cronies more chances to endanger our drinking water. Speak out with LCV TODAY. Goal: 50,000 petitions >>


Clean water is essential to human health, vital to healthy communities, and necessary for a robust economy. We rely on streams, lakes, and wetlands for drinking water, as a place to catch a break off the summer heat, and as a home to countless wildlife.

By repealing the Clean Water Rule, Trump has once again put polluter profits over the health of our communities, businesses, and environment. This is an assault on basic protections for clean water and a massive waste of time and taxpayer money that puts millions at risk.

Here's the good news: Trump and Pruitt can't just repeal this rule on a whim — they have to go through a public process where people like you and me can make our voices heard. If we all speak out together — if we overwhelm the EPA, the halls of Congress, our streets and our news stations — we can make a difference. It has to start today.

DEADLINE MONDAY! Send a message to Scott Pruitt and tell him to keep his hands off our water >>


Together, we can fight this threat to our drinking water.

Thanks for all you do.
-Kristin, League of Conservation Voters (LCV)