TSI Webinar: What You Need to Know About Protecting Trade Secrets in the Digital Age
Monday, March 11
1:00 - 2:00 pm
Subotnick Center
Brooklyn Law School
250 Joralemon Street
Attendees are welcome to participate on site or online.
Please RSVP online by March 7.
The Trade Secrets Institute
Eric M. Friedberg
Stroz Friedberg
Alexander Kaplan
Attorney at Law
Proskauer Rose LLP
This one hour live program and webinar will feature leading experts in the field who will address what companies can do to learn how their trade secrets were stolen or destroyed, measures to prevent such theft or destruction, and the legal framework that governs misappropriation of trade secrets and confidential business information in a corporate environment.
CLE Credit
This course provides one (1) CLE credit in the State of New York. The credit is transitional and non-transitional and the category is Skills. Refunds cannot be granted less than 24 hours before the start of the program. Please note: newly-admitted (under two years) attorneys are not eligible to obtain credits via webinar without prior permission from the CLE board. To receive this credit, newly-admitted attorneys must attend the program in person.
Cost for CLE Credit
- $10 for Brooklyn Law School graduates who hold a current BLS Alumni Association Membership Card. If you would like to join, you can do so here, or call 718-780-7966 for more information.
- $40 for all others
Financial aid policy is available upon request. Please email cle@brooklaw.edu for more information.
The program is free for those who do not want CLE credit. All attendees who are attending in person must RSVP.