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usa_gov_logo_nyreblog_com_.gifSubstance Abuse

Substance abuse refers to the overindulgence in and dependence on a substance, legal or illegal, leading to effects that are harmful to an individual's physical health, mental health, and/or the welfare of others. There are many government, private, and religious organizations that assist people with substance abuse problems.

The National Drug and Alcohol Treatment Referral Routing Service provides a toll-free telephone number for alcohol and drug information/treatment referral assistance. The number is 1.800.662.HELP (1.800.662.4357). Through this service, you can speak directly to a representative concerning substance abuse treatment, request printed material on alcohol or other drugs, or obtain local substance abuse treatment referral information in your state.

Substance Abuse Resources
For more information, please visit the following links:

If you are an employer seeking information on workplace substance abuse issues, you can visit the Substance Abuse Information Database (SAID) from the Department of Labor (DOL) . SAID provides information about and access to hundreds of documents and resources that may assist employers and others to learn about workplace substance abuse issues and develop drug-free workplace programs, such as Working Partners at Work and the Drug-Free Workplace Advisor .

Health Observances

Additional Resources:
