1250 Broadway, 27th Floor New York, NY 10001



President Trump’s Muslim ban is detrimental to our long-term security, unconstitutional and unacceptable.

His order bans refugees and immigrants from Muslim-majority countries who are fleeing the horrors of war and oppression. These innocent families and victims of violence believe the immortal call of Lady Liberty: “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.” President Trump’s actions betray that long-held American promise.

That’s why I have joined my Democratic colleagues to introduce legislation to rescind this cruel ban. I have also called for an investigation into how it ever saw the light of day. Across the country, hundreds of thousands of us have marched together against President Trump’s recklessness. We have pushed back together on everything from his order endangering women’s health around the world to his appointment of the extreme right-wing nationalist Steve Bannon to the National Security Council. We won’t stop pushing.

Carolyn Maloney

As a reminder of what we are fighting for, I want to leave you with the story of Mohamed Amen. I helped Mohamed become an American citizen after he immigrated here from Egypt 20 years ago. Today, he’s a proud NYPD detective who goes to work every day to keep our city safe. Mohamed represents what’s best about America – Donald Trump’s unconstitutional travel ban does not.

Together we must keep fighting for the ideals set forth on the Statue of Liberty.

Thank you,
