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Governor Cuomo Calls on the Federal Government to Fulfill Commitment to Split Funding for Gateway Project

"And remember the one trillion dollar infrastructure proposal that he spoke about? One trillion dollars. Where is it? What happened to it?"

"We need President Trump to fulfill the federal commitment to make Gateway a reality."

VIDEO of the event is available on YouTube here and in TV quality (h264 format) here.

A rush transcript of the Governor's remarks is available below.

Our next priority is the Gateway Project. As you heard it is probably the most critical infrastructure project on the east coast. It's the tunnels that go from Jersey to New York but they bring all the rail that goes to the Northeast. 17 percent of the entire country population, 22 percent of the nation's GDP. Okay. And goes through two tunnels that are under the Hudson River. The two tunnels that are under the Hudson River are old and have been damaged by Hurricane Sandy. And no engineer wants to tell you how long they will remain reliable, but if those tunnels go down it will be catastrophic.

The Gateway Tunnel Project says we'll build two new tunnels and then go back and rehabilitate the existing two so we'll have four tunnels. It's actually an exciting project besides doing the tunnels, it will then connect to Penn Station, expand Penn Station, improve Penn Station, which will then be right across the street from our new Moynihan Train Hall, which will be spectacular, which is basically next door to the Hudson Yards. So, this would be an infusion in the west side and the synergy with the Hudson Yards that would be really exciting. It has to happen. And it has to happen soon.

We know what we have to do. We know we have vison, we have the plan, we have the leadership, and we have the ability. We need one more thing. It's called the resources. Gateway funding is $20 billion. We need a shared commitment between the federal government and the state government to do the Gateway program. New York State has stepped up and we have committed $5 billion to Gateway and I am proud of it and I think it is a fair investment for the state to make. But we need President Trump to fulfill the federal commitment to make Gateway a reality. We cannot do it on our own and President Trump was right. He was right during the campaign when he said the need is infrastructure that we are failing behind, when he talked about putting people to work with those infrastructure jobs. And remember the one trillion dollar infrastructure proposal that he spoke about? One trillion dollars. Where is it? What happened to it? It was the single best idea that I heard come from his campaign and now it's disappeared. We can't lose it. We can't especially can't lose the Gateway Project. There is no other way for it to happen without federal participation. And my friends, it must happen. It's a very simple concept. You have an old tunnel that is damaged that will collapse at one point and when it collapses you'll see a collapse of the Northeast economy.
