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Lucas, Republican obstructionism has reached new heights with the Republican leadership’s outright refusal to engage in constitutionally mandated Supreme Court nominations, after the death of Justice Antonin Scalia.

Add your name to tell Mitch McConnell: Do your job and allow a confirmation vote for the Supreme Court vacancy.

Mitch McConnell refuses to put to a vote ANY Supreme Court nominee put forward by President Obama. After years of obstructing progress, the Republicans have found yet another way to disrespect President Obama.

If McConnell gets his way, the Court will sit without nine justices for over a year. That's irresponsible, partisan and just plain INDEFENSIBLE.

Add your name to stand with the Democratic Governors Association (DGA) to tell Mitch McConnell: Do your job and allow a confirmation vote for the Supreme Court vacancy.

Keep fighting,
Rachel Colyer, Daily Kos