1250 Broadway, 27th Floor New York, NY 10001


know you know who Wendy is. She’s worked hard her whole life to raise a family, get an education, and fight for others. Along the way, she’s faced numerous challenges.

Yet special interests and insiders like the Koch brothers can’t stop attacking her and her story. Stand with Wendy and help us fight back against the disgusting attacks -- give $5 today.

She’s endured a litany of attacks. The National Review called the loss of her much-wanted daughter “convenient” and questioned whether her loss even happened, while a special interest group insinuated that losing her daughter made her prone to “risky behavior,” like drug use.

Are you kidding me?

You’ve heard about the war on women--it’s clear that special interests are waging a war on Wendy, too.

Help us fight these attacks in the best way we know how: give $5 or more to make sure we can fight back and get our message out there.

With your help, we’ll answer these offensive attacks. Don’t let this stand.


Amber Goodwin
Political Director
Wendy R. Davis for Governor