1250 Broadway, 27th Floor New York, NY 10001


Is there such a thing as political whiplash?

Maybe not, but that's the best way I can describe what it feels like to be pummeled with attack after attack.

I need your help to respond to multiple attacks at the same time.

Your $10, $35, $50, $100, or even $250 contribution will help ensure we have the necessary resources to respond IMMEDIATELY when Jeanne Shaheen or one of her liberal allies distorts my record.

Why so many attacks?

Jeanne Shaheen is desperate. She knows we have seized the momentum heading into the final days of the campaign and she is doing everything she can to distance herself from President Obama -- even resorting to outrageously false attacks to distract from their failed record together.

Help me fight back with:

Shaheen and her allies are worried about this race and they will stop at nothing to preserve the status quo and her seat in Congress as President Obama's most loyal supporter. Remember, she is responsible for 99% of his agenda.

There are just over two weeks left and a lot more attacks headed our way ... probably the ugliest yet.

That's why I need top supporters like you to help today. Jeanne Shaheen is running scared and running a desperate smear campaign ...

I have the political whiplash to prove it!

Scott Brown
