1250 Broadway, 27th Floor New York, NY 10001


Just say "NO" to...

..."President-elect Hillary Clinton" in 2016.

If you share my deep love for America and our Constitution -- and I have strong reason to believe you do -- the very thought sends a chill straight up your spine.

But the fact of the matter is James Carville, Howard Ickes, other key players in the Clinton inner circle, and now, the Obama political team are working behind the scenes RIGHT NOW to turn our nightmare scenario into reality on Election Night 2016.

They're quietly raising millions of dollars, locking up the key major donors, and scaring off potential opponents clearing Hillary's path to the Democrat nomination. She'll win without a fight.

Meanwhile, our bench full of fantastic Republican candidates are still MONTHS away from even declaring their intentions let alone putting boots on the ground.

Given Hillary Clinton's tremendously early start, you and I MUST NOT WAIT until the dust has settled on the 2016 Republican Primary to go on the offensive against Hillary Clinton, especially if we hope to win.

That's why I'm asking you to join me in supporting the only organization whose single goal is and has always been stopping Hillary Clinton from becoming President: STOP HILLARY PAC.

Will you please click on this link and sign your name to my PLEDGE TO DEFEAT Hillary campaign today?

My name is Michele Bachmann and I'm the hard-charging, no-nonsense conservative Republican U.S. Congresswoman from Stillwater, Minnesota.

As a solid conservative leading the fight to repeal Obamacare and a hard charging Congresswoman who isn't afraid of a fight, I've become one of President Obama's most outspoken conservative critics in the U.S. House in Washington. I have been fighting the liberal creep of men and women like Hillary Clinton my entire adult life.

In fact, as a United States Congresswoman, I had several opportunities to deal with Mrs. Clinton during her time as President Obama's Secretary of State.

I was shocked when she lashed out in the Senate with, "What difference does it make?" to a question regarding the terrorist attack in Benghazi that cost the lives of Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three other American diplomats.

Several months later, I still cannot believe my ears.

Anyone who can be so terse about answering questions regarding the decisions that led to the death of our first Ambassador in over 30 years has no business serving as Secretary of State... much less Commander in Chief!

My friend, that is why I support the mission and vision of Stop Hillary PAC so strongly and you should, too.

You see, Stop Hillary PAC's plan is to build a nationwide grassroots army committed to doing whatever it takes to block Hillary Clinton's super-highway to the White House.

That's why I'm asking you, before you read any further, please click on this link and sign your name to our PLEDGE TO DEFEAT Hillary campaign - and please make a generous gift of at least $5 to our campaign.

Our most immediate goal is to collect 1 Million signatures from patriotic Americans like you to show Hillary and her allies that our movement has a dedicated base of support capable of going toe-to-toe with her massive operation.

Then, we will enact an aggressive, nationwide media blitz to expose her extensive record of liberal failures.

Finally, Stop Hillary PAC will conduct a targeted TV, radio, and social media campaign in EVERY precinct, county, and state Hillary Clinton needs to win the Presidency.

Put simply, whether it's in Iowa, South Carolina, or your backyard, Stop Hillary PAC is dedicated to challenging Hillary Clinton on the battlefield anytime, anywhere!

But as you might imagine, waging an effective campaign on this massive, nationwide scale will be anything but cheap.

Stop Hillary PAC must raise $4 Million and secure 30,000 new supporters by the end of this year to remain competitive with the Millions pro-Hillary backers have already amassed.

I assure you that your contribution of $5 -- or $25, $50 or even as much $100 if you can afford it -- will go directly to building our army and exposing Hillary Clinton's failures to the voters across American.

Make no mistake: After years of stagnant unemployment, record debt, and a weak-kneed foreign policy under President Obama, the last thing our country can afford to do is put Bill and Hillary Clinton back in the White House for an encore.

In addition to her disastrous four years as Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton's track record has been bad for America on nearly every issue.

Over the last twenty years, she has:
  • Voted for and supported running up the debt to fund expensive Big Government programs that are bankrupting our country.
  • Been a lead advocate for gun control, supporting Bill Clinton's unconstitutional assault weapons ban and national gun registry.
  • Fought for amnesty for illegal immigrants.
  • Called for higher taxes across the board as a means of redistributing wealth "on behalf of the common good."
  • Mired herself in scandal, from Whitewater in the 1990's to the recent debacle in Benghazi.
  • Supported late term abortions and taxpayer funding of Planned Parenthood.
And the list could go on and on and on...

Truth be told, aside from President Obama, I can think of no one worse who supports policies more contemptuous of the Constitution and our shared conservative values than Hillary Rodham Clinton!

My friend, I'm convinced that America can't survive more of the Obama-Clinton policies dooming our nation to insurmountable debt, high taxes, and less freedom...

...But that's exactly what we will get if we allow Bill and Hillary Clinton to move back into 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

Today, with the stakes of the coming battle firmly fixed in your mind, I urge you to respond in two ways:
  1. Click here right now and sign your Pledge to Defeat Hillary today to help Stop Hillary PAC reach their 1 Million pledge goal. And,
  2. Follow up your PLEDGE TO DEFEAT Hillary with a secure credit card contribution of at least $5. Or if you can afford it please give as much as $50 or $35.
Whether you contribute just $5 -- or if $1,000, $500, $250, $100, $50, $35, or some other amount, is possible -- your completed PLEDGE TO DEFEAT Hillary is of the utmost importance.

Hillary Clinton knows who's in her corner -- we need to know that patriotic Americans like you are in ours!

So please, PLEDGE TO DEFEAT Hillary and contribute at least $5 today.

Thank you in advance for your prompt and generous reply. I know you will be a real asset as we fight to end the Obama-Clinton era in Washington for good!

God Bless,

Michele Bachmann

P.S. No matter who wins the Republican nomination in 2016, one thing is clear: Hillary Clinton must not be allowed to become President of the United States.

P.P.S. To help Stop Hillary PAC block her path to the White House before it's too late, please click here and sign your PLEDGE TO DEFEAT Hillary and make a generous contribution of $5 or more today. Thank you!