1250 Broadway, 27th Floor New York, NY 10001


College Access, Making the American Dream a Reality

What: A panel discussion exploring the rights, resources, and policies that support immigrant & 1st generation students to get to and through college

When: Wednesday, April 23, 6:30 to 8 pm

Where: New Life Fellowship, 82-10 Queens Blvd., Elmhurst, NY 11373

Who: Parents, Students, Educators & their Supporters

How: RSVP at https://nyccharterschools.wufoo.com/forms/college-accessmaking-the-american-dream-a-reality/

We invite you and your family to join a community-based panel to:

Discuss community-based programs that support 1st generation and immigrant students and their families, learn policies that will help support the college and career aspirations of all students, and ensure you know your educational rights and how to protect them.

Panelists & Contributors:

Councilman Daniel Dromm

Educators from community-based Queens public schools: Renaissance Charter School, CQA Charter School, and the International School

Queens Legal Services
