1250 Broadway, 27th Floor New York, NY 10001


Help us Grow!

Click here to make a contribution to the Jon Kest Strategic Action Legacy Fund!

Dear Lucas,

2013 has been a year of incredible victories including the passage of the Community Safety Act. For too long in our communities the NYPD has policed us rather than protected us. Because of our organizing, the NYPD's racist Stop and Frisk policy is known across the country for what it is -- racial profiling. The Community Safety Act, forces the NYPD to discontinue profiling as part of it's Stop and Frisk policy. It also creates a path for recourse for people have have experienced discrimination at the hands of the NYPD and establishes new and independent oversight of the NYPD's practices.

But the fight is not over. Even with a Mayor-elect who campaigned around improving the relationship between the NYPD and communities of color, we will still need to organize to make sure that our communities are protected not policed. And we can't do it without your support.Click here to support NYCC in 2014.

This is a turning point in NYC: we finally have an administration that will listen to the safety needs and concerns of people in the communities that have long been ignored in this city. But we need more organizers and more training to work within these communities to amplify these concerns and make sure these needs are addressed.

That's why we launched the Jon Kest Strategic Action Legacy Fund. NYCC's founder, Jon Kest, believed that the continued recruitment and training of new organizers of color was critical to the success of winning meaningful neighborhood campaigns like community safety and a police force that serves the community, not antagonizes it.

Click here to make a contribution to the Jon Kest Strategic Action Legacy Fund.

The passage of the Community Safety Act was a landmark civil rights achievement achieved by the hard work of NYCC organizers, members, and our allies. We need to continue to organize in 2014 to ensure that the Community Safety Act is enforced, and that we continue to improve community safety while also protecting our civil rights.

But we can't do it without you. Please take a moment to contribute $15 or whatever you can afford to the Jon Kest Strategic Action Legacy Fund so we can keep this momentum going in 2014.

Jonathan Westin
Executive Director
New York Communities for Change
