1250 Broadway, 27th Floor New York, NY 10001


calendar_photo_dates_nyreblog_com_.JPGOn June 7, 2008, Edsheeka Woodson moved out of a place she had been renting on a month-to-month basis.

When her landlord, Leo Smith, later filed a small claims case against her, the Queens County Civil Court threw the dispute out because Leo couldn't prove that Edsheeka had caused any damage or that she owed any rent.

On appeal, the Appellate Term, Second Department, sided with the landlord and awarded him $1,040.

Since Woodson didn't properly notify Smith of her intention to vacate--by returning the keys or otherwise indicating a surrender--the tenant was found responsible for the additional monies.

There was no leaving him!

calendar_gif_first_day_of_month_nyreblog_com_.GIFTo view a copy of the Appellate Term's decision, please use this link: Smith v. Woodson
