1250 Broadway, 27th Floor New York, NY 10001


dccc_logo_nyreblog_com_.jpgGood Morning,  

House Democrats are showing strength and gaining momentum in our "Drive to 25" campaign to win the Majority. Based on our progress and the political environment, the House is in play. 

As you know, September 30th is the FEC quarterly deadline. House Democrats are leading Republicans by seven points in the first 2012 Gallup congressional election survey and Nate Silver, author of the 538 blog on the New York Times website, analyzed the survey and concluded the Republican House Majority is at risk. 

We must continue building the resources to win the Majority and your direct support is critical to our efforts. Your generous contribution will help us protect our incumbents, recruit outstanding candidates, and hold Republicans accountable for failing to focus on job creation and choosing to end Medicare while protecting tax breaks for billionaires and Big Oil. 

Please consider making a contribution to the DCCC at this time by going to www.dccc.org/speakerscabinet   

Thank you again for your support. Please do not hesitate to contact me at any time at 202-485-3502.  

Thank you,

Steve Israel


