1250 Broadway, 27th Floor New York, NY 10001


emily's_list_email_banner_nyreblog_com_.gifDear Lucas,

We can't thank the EMILY's List community enough for helping Natalie Tennant's campaign -- with such strong support, she could become the first woman governor of West Virginia! Because of EMILY's List supporters like you, Natalie finished the quarter strong so she can continue to get her message out to voters before the May 14 primary election. But don't just take our word for it -- Natalie wanted us to share a special thank you. Click here to see Natalie's note.

We still have a long way to go until election day, and we'll be sure to keep you posted on the latest updates from the campaign.

Thanks again for all you do to help elect pro-choice, Democratic women to office.

EMILY's List
