1250 Broadway, 27th Floor New York, NY 10001


horse_cowboy_photo_nyreblog_com_.JPGDuring the course of a date, Barbara Ann Stanislav was injured while horseback riding.

She later sued her boyfriend, William Papp, claiming he hadn't warned her of the activity's dangers and that he failed to "appreciate" her limited riding skills. He also supposedly ignored her request that the animals proceed at a slow pace.

After the New York County Supreme Court granted Papp's request to reign the case in (and dismiss), Stanislav appealed.

Since she was fully aware of the dangers associated with the sport, the Appellate Division, First Department, thought that the lady was beating a dead horse. (Papp's conduct wasn't seen as reckless or creating any "additional unanticipated risk.")

That Papp avoided a good schmear.

jelly_sandwich_schmear_gif_nyreblog_com_.GIFTo view a copy of the Appellate Division's decision, please use this link: Stanislav v. Papp
