1250 Broadway, 27th Floor New York, NY 10001


email-header_emily_nyreblog_com_.gifWe've had an amazing response to Team EMILY! Supporters from across the country have signed up to help make an impact in the crucial Wisconsin recall elections -- and they don't even have to travel to Wisconsin. Using the latest technology, you can make calls from your cell or home phone to likely voters in Wisconsin. Even an hour of phone calls will make a difference in these tight races -- and we will provide you with instructions, information about the races, and a script of just what to say.

Sign-up today to join Team EMILY on August 3 at any time from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM ET . With your support, our five pro-choice Democratic women can turn the Wisconsin senate blue and help end the Republican war on women.

Thanks for all you do,

EMILY's List

------------ Forwarded message ------------

From: Denise Feriozzi
Sent: July 21, 2011
Subject: Everybody is talking

I just got back from Madison, Wisconsin, and I can tell you one thing: everybody is talking about these recall elections. The countdown to Election Day has started, and both sides are marshaling their resources. EMILY's List members like you have already done so much for our five pro-choice, Democratic women candidates looking to win seats away from Republicans who stripped state employees of their rights to bargain for a fair wage, decimated the education budget, and gave tax breaks to the wealthy.

Now with the clock ticking, we are beginning the most critical part of our operation: getting out the votes we need to win. And for that, we need you. With your support, we can return the Wisconsin senate to Democratic control and help stop the war on Wisconsin women.

On August 3, we are holding a Team EMILY national call-in night, with volunteers calling Wisconsin residents and reminding them to get out and vote. You can make the difference in this election by signing up to make just a single hour of calls -- from your own home!

Click here to join Team EMILY, and help us reach thousands of Wisconsin voters by volunteering just an hour of your time!

Team EMILY has done it before. In May, we helped put Kathy Hochul over the top in New York with a coordinated day of calls, reaching thousands of voters. And last year we helped push Sens. Barbara Boxer and Patty Murray to victory -- so I know that with your help we can make Wisconsin a success and send a powerful message to Republicans across the country that women are standing up for our families and our values.

I hope you can join us on the phones!


Denise Feriozzi
WOMEN VOTE! Director
