1250 Broadway, 27th Floor New York, NY 10001



Open Letter To My Generation,
Since the beginning of my campaign people have asked me what I think about my age and relative youth. I've told them I think it gives me the energy and perseverance necessary to excel as a member of the US House of Representatives and it means that I'm far more likely to be open to new ideas and new innovative methods for helping our country prosper -- in short, it means that I'm not blindly set in my ways. 
The other issue folks like to point out is that we, Generation Y, the Millenials, the "youth vote" are the most apathetic and the least likely to vote. While this may be true, can anyone blame us? When we look around at our political leadership we see a level of childish infighting that prevents even the simplest of problems from being solved. 
For example, why is it that even when Americans agree on the need for energy reform to reduce greenhouse emissions and free us from foreign oil, Congress still can't pass an energy bill? Why is it that Congress is still fighting over health care benefits for those injured responding to the 9/11 attacks? And they blame us for not wanting to get involved?
But there's a larger point, that I like to highlight: we appear to be apathetic, but that's only because no-one ever talks about the issues that we find important. Every other generation has their niche issue: seniors and Social Security, working families and the economy, etc... But what about us? We're the most indebted generation in American history and yet no-one ever talks about how to fix the cost of college education or reform the student loan system so that we don't enter adulthood with a mortgage worth of debt but no ability to actually buy a home. 
I care about the issues that we find important because I'm one of us. I have over $100,000 in student loan debt. I know what its like to put aside pursuing my dreams in order to find a job that will just barely pay the bills. It doesn't have to be like this -- but it will continue to be so unless we get involved in large numbers. Person by person, our generation is the largest potential voting bloc out there -- but we aren't unified, we aren't even paying attention. What we must realize is that if we don't get involved now, the politicians of today are going to pass on these problems for us to face tomorrow. We're being short changed and we don't even know it. Not only that, they've even made it worse: despite all the bailouts and financial reform bills of the past two years, student loans are still the only kind of debt that can't be relieved in bankruptcy. 
So here's my ask for you: Get involved, join our campaign, become part of the solution. History is made by those who show up. I'm asking you to show up. 

But not only that, I'm asking you to help spread the word to other members of our generation who might not take the time to read this letter or stop into a campaign office. There are thousands of highly paid marketing consultants in Washington and New York who specialize in "targeting young people," but no one knows our generation better than we do.

Contribute to my campaign, because our generation deserves true leadership.

Our team has a motto -- one team, one fight. These problems we face aren't uniquely Republican or Democratic, they're American -- and only if we act as unified Americans will we ever begin to solve them. I implore you: be part of the solution, show up, and volunteer a few hours to help spread our message. Together, one team, one fight, we can win this and help build a better America for all of us. 
Matt Zeller