1250 Broadway, 27th Floor New York, NY 10001


dccc_logo_nyreblog_com_.jpgNot sure about you, but I have about had it with cable news pundits predicting that the fat lady has sung, the election is over and the Republicans have won 10,000 seats or whatever absurd prediction they are making today.

It's my job as the DCCC's Executive Director to look at the polls, and make strategic decisions about where our resources need to be. I am seeing surging challengers and poll after poll showing our Members carrying narrow leads -- if we turnout our Democratic voters, we will retain our Democratic Majority.

Our targeting director has identified some key new opportunities if we can bring in additional resources before the final weekend push. Problem is, we are stretched too thin already, and I know you are too -- but is there any way you could help us raise just $14K more to help in these districts by tonight's midnight deadline?

Contribute $5, $10 or more right now to help us hit our $250,000 Voter Turnout Fund goal and your dollars will go right out the door to support campaigns in too close to call races.

We have to fight for every vote and we have to get our friends out to vote, and our friends' friends.

With these dollars in the door, it's more people on the ground this weekend talking to voters and that's what will push us to victory. Your dollars today truly will make the difference between victory and defeat with so many races hanging in the balance by a few percentage points.

You can't sit on the sidelines when everything we have worked so hard for is on the line -- what will you tell your children you did when the going got rough? I can tell you the fat lady hasn't sung, and this race is not over. If you can give a gift of even just $5 , it will go a long way to making sure our sophisticated Get Out the Vote operation in races nationwide gets the job done.

I have to have this money in the bank tonight to wire to my campaigns for tomorrow -- there is no time to waste. Victory is on the line. Contribute today.

Onward to Victory,

Jon Vogel
DCCC Executive Director
