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Here's a a legal information clinic being promoted by State Assemblymember Micah Kellner:


Family Court Clinic on Roosevelt Island

May 21, 2009

Are you facing the Family Court system without a lawyer?  On May 21, 2009, from 4:00 to 6:30 p.m., my office will partner with LIFT (Legal Information for Families Today), to bring a free legal information drop-in clinic to the Church of the Good Shepherd (546 Main Street, Roosevelt Island).  The clinic will offer Roosevelt Island's parents and grandparents who have questions about child support, custody, and visitation cases the chance to meet one-on-one with LIFT staff for help.

LIFT is an award-winning nonprofit organization that operates community and court-based programs all of which empower vulnerable families to advocate for themselves in Family Court, ensuring that all families - no matter what their income level or ability to hire a lawyer - have the ability to access justice in the complex Family Court system.

There is no need to schedule an appointment for the May 21 event, nor must you be a Roosevelt Island resident.  The event is free and open to the public.  Refreshments will be served.  For more information about any of LIFT's programs call 212-343-1122 or visit www.LIFTonline.org .
