1250 Broadway, 27th Floor New York, NY 10001


j0409260.jpgIn the Matter of Felton R. v Gloria P. , Felton R. no longer wanted to be held to his paternal responsibilities. (Twelve years earlier, Felton acknowledged paternity even though he knew he wasn't the child's biological father.)

After the New York County Family Court denied his request, Felton appealed to the Appellate Division, First Department.

The AD1 thought Felton had waited too long and couldn't back out as the kid's dad because he couldn't show that his initial acknowledgment was fraudulently procured, made under duress, or, a mistake of fact.

Walk on, walk on, walk on.

j0173968.gifTo view a copy of the Appellate Division's decision, please use this link: Matter of Felton R. v Gloria P.
